
The New Girl: My Adventure into the Affiliate Marketing World Begins...

So, today is my second day working in the affiliate marketing field. My background prior to this week began in event marketing in the non-profit sector. To say that this is somewhat different would be an understatement.

However, diving into the affiliate marketing field is an exciting new adventure. One of the most exciting areas for me is the ability to not only manage an agency that runs the social media, but to personally contribute to social media initiatives myself. Writing this blog is one of those exciting new ways of getting involved on our social network.

Now many of you, like me, may also be new to the world of affiliate marketing. The reality of this industry is that it is always evolving and growing. We have the opportunity to work with many different businesses and grow our relationships with both affiliates and advertisers. The ability to be continuously working on new projects is definitely exciting and should keep me on my toes.

Some of the projects I will be working on will include working with designers on developing websites. Working with designers is something with which I do have experience. In my past job, I worked with designers to develop emails, print pieces and signage, to name a few items. However, despite having the opportunity to work on managing the company website, I have never been able to work on developing one. This should prove to be a fun and challenging task. Throughout this process, I will also be learning some of the more technically oriented components, which for me has never been what I would call strengths (stay tuned… I’m sure I will have some complaints about my progress as I move forward with this. I guess it is possible that I could be happily surprised though).

I will also have the opportunity to work on creating advertisements, which is also a new endeavor for me. In the past, I have worked on creating marketing pieces, such as buckslips, posters, signage, etc. for one specific event. These pieces would focus on driving registration, fundraising, awareness, etc. Creating advertisements for the profit world is obviously very different. Now, instead of focusing on fundraising, I am focusing on creating advertisements that will drive the consumers to purchase the product at hand. Being able to increase the scope of my marketing skills by working on this type of advertising is also an exciting new component of my new position here.

I look forward to learning more and hope to be able to share my experience with you as I delve further into my new career path.